AMD Ryzen Notebook discussion | Intel or AMD for notebook? AMD Excellent CPU+GPU performance, sharing concurrent models reviews.


High Supremacy Member
Apr 4, 2018
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Those who missed out the legion 5 pro

It is out of stock now. Lenovo SG estimate to restock next month. However they do not have exact date when it will be available

Posted from PCWX using A simple life, not a simple thing 🙏🏻


High Supremacy Member
Jan 1, 2000
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you also ordered. :eek:

No date for me still :(

oh how come u give a shock face? I was calculating the desktop rig price and the laptop price.

with the limited stock and high price of GFX card.. my next rig will need around 3k at least for a Ryzen 7 setup.

and since i don't really game that much.. i think it's good enough to spend 1.8k to tech refresh my rig.

Hopefully after selling my existing rig, i will probably get back around 500-$700.
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